Modern Slavery Statement.

In accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018, this statement outlines the steps that Learnt Lately  has taken, and is continuing to take, to assess and reduce risks of modern slavery within our business and our supply chain, and our plans for review and improvement. 


Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. Learnt Lately recognises that it has a responsibility under the Modern Slavery Act to take a strong approach to reject any forms of modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to promoting ethical business practices and policies that protect workers from being abused and exploited, both in our own business and our supply chain. Learnt Lately is committed to limiting the risk of modern slavery occurring in our business, ensuring there is transparency in our business and in our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chain. We expect our employees and our suppliers to share our commitment to help ensure modern slavery does not exist in our business and our supply chain. 

Who we are

Led by experienced learning designers, our goal at Learnt Lately is to build excellent elearning products that support HR, L&D, Safety, Sustainability and Compliance to deliver in their role as organisational development specialists.  

We’re known for our straightforward and practical approach to elearning project delivery. We’re flexible and responsive throughout the project journey, and we’re committed to delivering value to you and your learners. Since 2017 Learnt Lately has supported hundreds of businesses and thousands of learners with the elearning courses it creates. 

Learnt Lately has one full time employee and a workforce of up to 10 independent subcontractors across Australia who help to deliver our projects to our clients. 

Our Supply Chain

We procure goods services needed for our business’s day-to-day operations from many preferred suppliers operating in Australia. Our supply chain arrangements include suppliers from the following key areas: professional services including instructional design, project management, digital development, sound engineering and video production, legal and accounting services from Australian-based suppliers; information and technology services from Australia-based service suppliers; technology platforms from some Australian and US-based software suppliers. 

Our long-term strategic relationships with key suppliers, provides a stability in our supply chain and procurement processes. 

Identifying risks of Modern Slavery

During 2020, Learnt Lately undertook a high level risk assessment of our key suppliers of goods and services. Our review of suppliers focused on the type of goods and services delivered, i.e., professional services, rather than rather than defined by the annual expenditure. 

Our operations

There is a low risk of of modern slavery in our directly employed workforce.  We believe our  supply chain of subcontractors, professional services, and Australian-based information and technology providers to have a lower risk rating for modern slavery as their operations are Australian-based and they are required to comply with the Modern Slavery Act within their own supply chains. Our procurement of software from overseas suppliers may carry some low to moderate risk of modern slavery, being based in the USA. 

To establish an initial baseline understanding, for our first year of modern slavery reporting, we mapped out our key suppliers and service providers. This enabled us to undertake a risk assessment of any modern slavery risks, or potential risks, within our supplier’s operations and supply chains. We have sited the Modern Salvery Statements of some Australian-based suppliers, however have been unable to site modern slavery statements for some of our USA-based suppliers. We will continue to monitor our supplier’s activity in this space as they report their actions to prevent modern slavery. 

Our governance framework

Learnt Lately operates within a corporate governance framework as part of our commitment to informing our employees and suppliers of modern slavery risks. Our actions include: 

Learnt Lately Modern Slavery Statement 2023. 

Future developments

In our upcoming reporting year, we aim to continue to revise and develop our approach to modern slavery compliance to build capacity within our business to monitor and act on modern slavery risks. 

This statement has been approved, 1 May 2023:

Georgia Edge

Chief Executive Officer 

Learnt Lately Pty. Ltd.